At Piscolabis our food is prepared upon request!
Where do we start? Our tapas range from the ultra-modern, such as vegetable tempura with romesco (catalan nut and pepper-based sauce), cubed tuna tempura, foie cannelloni or three cheese risotto, to the traditional such as potato bravas, squid tenticles, Iberian ham croquettes, huevos estrellados (fried eggs with runny yolk) or meatballs with cuttlefish.
What topping would you like with your eggs? We take free-range eggs and sprinkle them with truffles, mushrooms or foie ... Beat that!
All products are 100% fresh and top quality.
Excellent tapas for a quick bite at any time of day!
(Psst. Pisco also opens in the morning, in case you feel like a good breakfast.)